
Delicious recipes with Jeremias noodles

Recipes for pasta gourmets

 Odoo • Ein Bild mit einer Bildunterschrift
Soup stars in oriental soup

Soup stars in oriental soup



Winzer-Nudeln mit gerösteten Pilzen

main meal

Asian noodle dish

Asia-Nudelpfanne mit Mie-Nudeln

main meal

Wellenband with salmon

Wellenband with salmon

main meal

Rigatelli with red lentils

Rigatelli with red lenses

main meal

Schlingli with dried tomatoes

Schlingli with dried tomatoes

main meal

Hörnchen klein auf Pizza

Hörnchen klein on the pizza

main meal

Ribbon noodles with red wine and chocolate sauce

Ribbon noodles with red wine and chocolate sauce

main meal

Band gedreht for noodle-mushroom dish

Band gedreht for noodle-mushroom dish

main meal

Football noodle salad

Football noodle salad


Pasta rice dessert

Pasta rice dessert


Easter-pasta dessert

Easter-pasta dessert


Schwäbische Spätzle mit Mohn

Schwäbische Spätzle with poppy



Jeremias recipe booklet 

More delicious ideas can be found in our recipe booklet. 

Have fun cooking and bon appetit from

Your Teigwarenfabrik Jeremias GmbH